Monday, 27 October 2014

2015 catalogue

The new 2015 Paternoster catalogue is published and is on our website at Authentic Media. Here's how I introduced it in the catalogue:

'I’m proud to introduce our new catalogue. Writing just days after Wolfhart Pannenberg has passed away, it is sobering to think how important good, clear and challenging theology is for today’s church and world. Pannenberg was an exceptional theologian who gave u...s a clear lead, demonstrating that our theology should be public, Christ-centred and always doxological. This year’s catalogue shows our continuing commitment to both the church and the academy. Here is a list of titles whose foundation is thorough research and academic rigour and whose purpose is to see people and church communities developing and being transformed in their thinking, mission and personal lives. Welcome, then, to our catalogue for 2015. I trust you will find it helpful in your ministry and academic pursuit.'

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