Monday, 26 November 2012


For with you is the fountain of life, in your light we see light. Psalm 36:9
Just returned from the US - two conferences, ETS and SBL. Both excellent. Great sessions, papers and seminars - particularly those on the Reformation! Great conversations with authors, would-be authors, and publishers. Enjoyed the cities too - Milwaukee and Chicago. Mild weather, blue skies, lots of Starbucks. A privilege!

Monday, 5 November 2012

Divine work

Restore to me the joy of your salvation.
Create in me a pure heart, O God.
Renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps 51).

We need to pray for the work of his Spirit.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Living with wisdom

'Living with wisdom has the fear of the Lord at the centre: reverence, dread, awe, respect, humility - mysterium tremendum. The mysterium tremendum is the beginning of wisdom, You are not at the centre of the world; he is. To put it bluntly: shut up. Stop messing around with trivialities and banalities and pay attention,' Ian Stackhouse, Primitive Piety (Paternoster, 2012). This is at the centre of Ian's thinking in this book, which attempts to help us make our own Christian faith raw, authentic, what he terms 'primitive' in a world and a generation that needs just that. Our faith and our mission is about God and about Jesus Christ; not us.